
Just When I Think I Am Done

When i reached 18 years old..
Pergi uni yang paling best in the world or in Malaysia. put 5% effort into an assignment, get an A. Put 95% effort into an assignment, the professor needs to see you during office hour. Studies for about 2-5 years in it and finished atleast gets Master.

When i reached 23 years old..
Find a job that i love doing like in here (X). Go to work day by day with a great smile on my face without feel exhausted or lazy. Cuz i love doing it! LOL.

When i reached 25 or 26 years old..
Get engaged then get married with someone i loved and get the title of Wedding of the year by my friends (LOL) And also buy my temporary house in Manjung with Mr Future Husband.
Oh lagi satu, hai encik Future Husband, bacelah ni. Haha.

When i reached 30 years old..
Travel the whole wide world with family and mr future husband when duit dah stabil dan makin melimpah hasil titik peluh sendiri. And also move somewhere warm with family and mr future husband cuz i dont really like living in here. I just dont know why. Oh rumah kat manjung tu buat sewa. Haha.

When i reached 45 years old..
Derma kepada orang yang lebih memerlukannya and buat amal kebajikan. Juga tidak meninggalkan kewajipan sebagai seorang umat Islam. (I HOPE SO)

When i reached 90 years old..
Dies before my tits are below my belly button